Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Good Start?

For someone who supposedly has so much spare time I really don't post much huh? I try to but I always start a post and never finnish hence my many unsubmitted draft posts. I can barely get through this one. So I think I've finally decided what to do after highschool. Since I did so poorly on my SAT's and I slacked off most of highschool I've been rather stuck to say the least. So I've decided why not try the place I was considering last year. It doesn't seem so bad plus I really need to get out there. It not to far from home but far enough that I can actually do some stuff . I mean why not? I'm afriad if I don't do this I'm never gonna get anywhere . I even have an idea what to go for even from there small choice options. Guess I'll just have to see.

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